The Leafy Vibe Guide to Plant-Based Smoothies for Babies and Toddlers
Have you introduced your baby or toddler to smoothies yet?
If so, you already know about the giggles and happy dance that happens when you turn on the blender. But before you give your baby or toddler a smoothie, there are some pros and cons you should know that can impact your child's health.
Become a toddler smoothie expert with this guide to plant-based smoothies for babies and toddlers.
Plant-based toddler smoothies can provide both an excellent source of nutrition and toddler smiles at the same time.
Below are 10 facts you should know about smoothies for babies and toddlers…plus 4 specialized baby and toddler smoothie recipes
Smoothies are a powerful way to sneak in veggies
Bright, colorful vegetables like spinach, kale, carrots, beets, and pumpkin are bursting with antioxidants, phytochemicals, vitamins, and minerals. Yet babies and toddlers often refuse to eat these healthy veggies.
Luckily, most toddlers will happily accept a creamy, colorful smoothie. If you have a picky toddler, smoothies can be an ideal way to sneak veggies in.
Try making smoothie bowls, too. You and your little one will have fun adding yummy toppings and eating with a spoon.
Related: 12 Tips for Feeding Your Picky Toddler (from a mom of 4)
Related: 5 Vegan Smoothie Bowl Recipes to Make Ahead
2. Green Smoothies are an effortless way to increase your toddler's iron intake
Iron deficiency is not uncommon in toddlers. But iron supplements taste bad and can cause constipation.
Here's how to easily and naturally increase your child's intake of iron: Pair an iron-rich veggie like spinach with a fruit that's high in vitamin C, like strawberries or oranges.
BOOM! This combo of iron and vitamin C together magically enhance the body's absorption of the iron.
RECIPE: Iron-Rich Green Smoothie
1 cup fresh spinach
1 ripe banana
1 cup plant-based milk
1/2 teaspoon vanilla
2 softened dates (to find out how to soften dates, scroll down to “Smoothie Tips”)
1 tablespoon seed or nut butter
1/2 cup ice cubes
Add all ingredients to blender and blend well. Pour into your toddler’s favorite cup. Don’t forget to make extra for yourself!!
Related: To be confident your plant-based toddler gets the nutrition she needs, download Leafy Vibe's Nutrition & Supplement Checklist
3. It's best to start Green Smoothies early
Many older kids and even adults are put off by the color of green smoothies, ”Eww, weird, icky, green…”
Fortunately, a toddler doesn't have these preconceived ideas. Her tastes and expectations are still new and fresh. So a green smoothie can be just as appealing as a purple, orange, or pink one.
Get your toddler in the green smoothie habit as young as possible.
Leafy greens are not only an excellent source of iron, they’re also rich in calcium and omega 3 fatty acids…2 more reasons start green smoothies!
4. Smoothies can relieve toddler constipation
Fruits like berries and pears + ground flaxseeds can soften the stool and make it easier to pass.
IMPORTANT: Don't use dairy in smoothies when your goal is to relieve constipation (this includes dairy-based yogurt too, in case you're wondering.) For many toddlers, dairy IS the cause of their constipation. So I recommend using water or plant-based milk for all smoothies.
Related: Help! My Toddler is Constipated
RECIPE: Toddler Smoothie for Constipation
This smoothie has all the ingredients that help relieve constipation: soluble and insoluble fiber, sorbitol, fructose, non-dairy liquid… and contains none of the things that cause constipation. Can you say dairy?
1 cup frozen berries
1 ripe pear with skin on
2 softened dates
1 teaspoon ground flaxseed
1/2 cup plant-based milk or water or prune juice
optional 1/2 cup ice
Blend well. Add more or less liquid depending on your preference. Serve in your child’s favorite cup!
Tip: For extra constipation relief, replace the plant-based milk with prune juice.
Related: 6 Reason’s Why Your Child Should be Dairy-Free
5. A smoothie can be an easy toddler breakfast or lunch on-the-go
Is it ok to use a smoothie as a meal for a toddler?
It depends.
Toddlers should be eating regular whole (non-blended) foods for their meals. But YES, it's perfectly OK for an occasional healthy smoothie for breakfast or lunch.
Ideally, a toddler smoothie meal should have all the components that make up a healthy meal. It should…
contain nutrient-rich veggies like beets, leafy greens, pumpkin or sweet potato
be rich in healthy fats from avocado, seed or nut butter, tofu or full-fat coconut milk (toddlers need more fat than adults)
have essential fatty acids from ground flaxseed, chia, hemp seed or leafy greens
have some kind of starch/complex carbohydrate for long-lasting energy. For example: banana, oatmeal, sweet potato
6. Smoothies can be harsh on teeth
Some fruits, especially citrus and kiwis, are acidic and can be harsh on teeth.
How can you protect your toddler’s teeth?
Have your child sip her smoothie through a straw to minimize contact with teeth.
Don't let your child sip on a smoothie throughout the day. Prolonged exposure can cause decay.
The acids and sugar in the smoothie can soften enamel temporarily, so don't brush teeth for at least 30 min after. Instead, have your toddler rinse and swish her mouth with water immediately after drinking. If your toddler can't rinse, have her drink some water without using a straw. Gently wipe her front teeth with a clean wet cloth.
Vitamin D and calcium is vital for dental health, so be sure to give your toddler a vitamin D supplement, and offer plenty of calcium-rich foods.
For Vitamin D and calcium-rich food recommendations download Leafy Vibe's Nutrition & Supplement Checklist.
7. Smoothies can help toddlers gain weight
Don't waste your money on expensive high sugar, highly refined, toddler products like Pediasure.
Look at the first 3 ingredients in Pediasure: maltodextrin (which is highly refined corn starch), sugar, oil, milk...these are ALL ingredients that I DO NOT recommend.
Instead, make your own natural and healthier toddler weight-gain smoothie.
A well-designed smoothie for weight-gain will be yummy, go down easily AND deliver a concentrated source of healthy calories, fats, and nutrients to help toddlers gain weight.
RECIPE: Toddler Smoothie for Weight Gain
1 ripe banana
1/2 avocado
1/2 cup frozen strawberries
2 pitted, softened dates
1 tablespoon nut or seed butter
1 cup plant-based milk
Add all ingredients to blender, and blend until smooth. Pour into your toddler’s favorite cup!
8. A leftover smoothie can be repurposed into another healthy toddler recipe
Don’t waste that leftover smoothie!
It's hard to make just one serving of a toddler-sized smoothie because the blender works better when it is at least ⅓ full. What can you do with the extra?
So many things!!
Drink it yourself (my favorite)
Pour into molds and freeze into popsicles.
Make "superfood" pancakes, waffles, and muffins. Replace the liquid in your favorite recipe with the leftover smoothie. If the batter isn’t wet enough, just add water or plant milk little by little until the consistency is just right. Cook as directed.
Blend with chia seeds for chia pudding. In a blender, add 3 tablespoons chia seeds with 1 cup smoothie. Blend and transfer to bowl and allow to thicken in the refrigerator for at least 30 minutes!
Optional No-Blend Method-Stir ingredients together instead of blending and let thicken overnight.
Make overnight oats. In a mason jar or any container with a lid, mix 1/2 cup rolled oats with 1 cup smoothie and let thicken overnight in refrigerator. In the morning, stir and sprinkle with cinnamon, drizzle with maple syrup and a splash of plant milk.
9. Babies 9 months and older can have smoothies too (and they love them!)
Is it ok to give babies smoothies? YES! Babies love smoothies!
Don't offer any new foods in your baby’s smoothie. For the liquid in the smoothie, use water, breastmilk, formula or unsweetened plant-based milk. No cow's milk for babies under 12 months.
Start with this mild creamy recipe:
RECIPE: Baby's First Smoothie
1 ripe banana (some brown spots means it’s perfect)
1/2 cup fresh or frozen blueberries
1/2 cup baby spinach
3/4 cup liquid (water, breastmilk, formula, or unsweetened plant-based milk)
Blend until smooth. It should be easy for baby to drink through a straw or you can feed with a spoon. Add more liquid to make a thinner textured smoothie.
Related: 6 Reasons Why Your Child Should be Dairy-Free
Related: Download Leafy Vibe’s Free Guide How to Choose a Plant-Based Toddler Milk
10. Smoothies should not take the place whole, unblended veggies
Although your toddler may be getting a ton of leafy greens and other nutritious veggies from the smoothies she drinks, DO continue to offer a variety of vegetables at mealtimes.
Even if she refuses, keep offering.
The best way for her to learn to enjoy veggies, or any new food, is repeated exposure. It can take 15-20 exposures to a new food for a toddler to learn to like it or at least be agreeable to eating it.
Toddlers need to taste, smell, chew, and play with all kinds of colors and textures to develop healthy eating habits.
If you've made it this far, CONGRATULATIONS!
You are officially an expert on healthy, plant-based smoothies for toddlers and babies!
PS. Do you have a favorite smoothie recipe you make for your child? Please share in th comments below and I might add it to this article!
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